
在這篇文章中,你會發現三個非常重要,卻常被忽略的,關於建立公司網站的要點。 首先,我們要談談為何網站加載速度會影響你的搜索排名。 其次,你會發現,不容易使用的網頁設計和缺乏內容更新計劃亦會壓低你的搜索排名。 最後,如果你喜歡的是一個人做一切的事情,也許你是在浪費你的時間“重新發明輪子”。如果你不重視這些元素,或許你已經損失了很多金錢和機會。

Start Your Mobile Marketing With Our Mobile Website!

Just to tell all of you who are interested in Mobile marketing website:  We have a new site for mobile now! Grab your mobile phone e.g. iPhone to browse our site: www.HongKongMarketingConsultant.com and you will be automatically redirected to m.HongKongMarketingConsultant.com! Later on I will write an article talking about the possibilities of having a mobile website.  Here is a brief …

7 ways to increase website traffic (Chinese Version)

Just finish a blog post talking about how to boost a website traffic in 7 different ways for my friend/partner. This is a Joomla site (my partner is a Joomla fan).  He also has excellent design skills and therefore you will see a lot of amazing web graphics and photos there. So, here is the link: 7 ways to get …

Work and Life Balance For All Human Being

My friends Professor Judy Tsui has posted another topic about Work Life Balance on Facebook. Here is the post. If you are a workaholic focusing too much on your “career”, this would be the article that you need to read. Check it out.