Genius Network Presents: Tony Robbins & Peter Diamandis

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_show_title_bar=”Y” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1vTFc1U2ppQzhVWQ==[/video_player] Genius Network founder: Joe Polish interviewed life coachTony Robbins and X Price founder Peter Diamandis. What you are going to learn: Why they do what they do, and the mindset behind their “success” What do they think about their “work”? How to handle failure, in a great way. I would really hope …

The Secret of Getting Referrals

There has never been any argument in advertising circles that the most effective business advertising is word-of-mouth advertising. That’s why direct selling is so dramatically successful as a method of marketing every imaginable product and service, and why direct selling is such a great business in which to be. As a direct salesperson conversationally telling another person why you like …

Success Secrets

“They Don’t Want You To Know” There is a tendency amongst authors writing about ‘success’ – as well as entrepreneurs and CEO’s telling their success stories – to be warm ‘n fuzzy and present classically popular ideas palatable to the largest number of people. To say that nice guys win. That having a positive attitude and drawing little smiley faces …

5 UN-Creative Thoughts About Creativity

Entrepreneurs and marketers are constantly challenged to be creative. But creativity as it is commonly thought of and practiced is sin not virtue, because it is slow and ponderous; because it begins with a blank slate. One of the most profitably creative entrepreneurs of all time, Walt Disney, said “….stop talking and begin doing.” To be profitable in the real …

Oh the Dreadful Banality of it All

WELL, THIS WILL BE DISAPPOINTING. Geez, another one. You may or may not be familiar with the comedian, Chelsea Handler. If you only know her from the ill-conceived, hastily cancelled network TV sitcom, you don’t know her at all. She hosts her own late night show, Chelsea Lately, half her with a panel of comics, half her interviewing a celebrity. …

Leading the Pack Even When You’re Out-Ranked and Out-Gunned

“Leadership depends more upon the man than the rank.” – Harold Geneen . For good or bad, I consider myself fortunate to have missed the Vietnam experience. But I’ve talked to enough vets to know that “fragging” was much more common than the public knew; meaning, grunts shooting their leader in the back. This demonstrates that rank doesn’t necessarily guarantee …

Salesman and the Bean Counter

“Worriers and spellers can be hired for minimum wage.” – James Tolleson I won a couple “spelling bees” when I was a kid, and I’m a reasonably bright guy. But unless you’re going to teach English lit, it turns out that mastery of grammar and spelling is not particularly important to most careers or businesses. I get letters from time …

Seeing What No One Else Can See

“Wealth comes to the man who can see the potential for wealth. – Napoleon Hill Does this seem goofily obvious? Maybe it is. But then why are so few people rich in a place and time of virtually unlimited opportunity? The fact is, most people see things only as they are. I live in a luxury resort community developed by …


Just the other day, I was listening to a recording of a speech by Joe Sugarman* and Joe said, “One good path to success is to learn all the proven rules and meticulously follow them. Another path is to occasionally break all the rules, because breakthroughs come only from breaking rules.” Resonates with me; as you know, I wrote a …

Test and Grow Rich

“Testing” is an ugly topic. Why? Because testing variables in advertising direct mail, phone scripts and sales presentations requires discipline, diligence and patience. To get it right, you can only test one variable at a time. This means that if you change a headline, you can’t change anything else. Plus you have to make sure all other variables remain the …