The Power of Mastery

I am about to tell you how to add $25,000.00, $50,000.00, maybe $100,00.00 a year to your yearly income – without spending even a penny more on advertising or marketing. One of my featured guest speakers at a past SuperConference was Michael Vance. Michael worked side-by-side with Walt Disney for a number of years. As I was listening to Mike, …

Gratitude As A Marketing Strategy

Many years ago, I took over a business with mammoth collection problems: almost all of its customers had open accounts and paid their bills ten to sixty days late (except those who didn’t pay at all). We quickly instituted a number of corrective measures, including tighter credit controls and policies, interests charges, a sequence of past-due notices, and collection calls. …

How Money Is – And Isn’t – Made In Business

“Nothing Happens ‘Til Somebody Sells Something I mentioned inside, that one of the people who visited with me at a recent book signing, Tripp Braden, does some work with Warren Buffett, and a lot of work in the private equity investment world. He and I compared notes, as I have a fair amount of experience with client-companies sold and bought …

The Truth about Quitting

My father told me that the reason doctors whack babies on the ass immediately after they are born is to communicate a fundamental truth they need to know to survive: outside the womb, life is tough. (Do doctors still do this? I don’t know. I’d guess not; today, it’d be viewed as infant abuse and threatening to the tiny soul’s …

What You Accept, You Get

Here’s a secret I’ve discovered about millionaire and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs: they want what they do and their companies do to be right. Not 80% right. Not 90% right. Right, period. They are, therefore, very much disliked by a lot of people, and if they are “big” enough, by the media. Jobs. Bezos. Trump. Working for them, many ex-employees say, was …

Two Faces In The Mirror

Richard Branson, the already successful Branson, has had to close down businesses that were sucking money down drains with no end in sight. Arguably, he made bad decisions and bad investments. If he lives long enough and stays active, he’ll do so again. Long after the big crash that almost did him in, the freshly, super-successful Trump has been involved …

How To Lead & Live A Disappointing Life (Told No, At Every Turn)

Duck, duck, oops. By now, the Ducky Dynasty controversy sparked by patriarch Phil’s raggedly voiced, Biblical based anti-gay answer to a GQ MAGAZINE interviewer’s question is old news. I wrote this when it was dominating media. A&E pretended they were shocked, despite a record on Phil’s beliefs dating back at least ten years. That same week, a PR person (of …

Will The REAL Entrepreneur Please Stand Up?

It’s a reference many of you won’t know, from an old, once popular TV game show TO TELL THE TRUTH. Two pretenders plus one real novelist or ex-CIA agent or astronaut or lion tamer, etc. answered questions from a panel of celebrities, and the panel guessed which of the three was real. Finally, the host said, “Will the real _______ …

Atop A Global Empire: 3 Golden Keys To Getting And Staying There (An AND Story)

Many of you know that I’m a follower and fan of Rick Goings, the CEO of Tupperware Brands, and in interest of full disclosure, a happy shareholder. (Tupperware is publicly traded. My disclosure of interest is not meant as investment advice.) I recently received and studied the Annual Report, and have facts and observations. Overall, I credit Rick the Renegade …