How To Collect Email Address For Email Marketing?

In this article you will find out three commonly used methods to collect prospects email address.  Those are very valuable leads for your business.  First, you can use free report or free information and give it to prospects, in exchange of their email address.  Another way is to give out free discount coupon to your prospects.  Finally, you can hold a contest to collect prospects information.  After reading this article, you should be able to choose a method to start collecting contact information of your target customers and build your customer list.

Free Report

It is a very effective and no-cost way of collecting prospect’s information.  First of all you need to know what is the biggest problem your market are facing right now.  Then you write a 3 – 5 pages report focusing only on how to solve that problem, and giving that information out for free.

If your free report contains valuable information, people in the market will know that and they are happy to give you their email address in exchange of that information.  Once you got their email address, all you need is to send them 4 – 7 follow up emails to start gaining their trust.  You can make use of an autoresponders service to automate the whole progress.

Free Discount/Coupon

If you think that your market will be more responsive to free discount or coupon, then you can create one for them.  For certain businesses like restaurant business or retail business, coupon or discount will be very attractive to customers.  You just need to create a coupon and give it out for free, in exchange of people’s information.  Again, you can follow up with those people by email later on.

Online Contest

Holding a contest online is a new way to collect people’s information.  But don’t limit yourself to online only.  Using contest to get people’s contacts is widely used by many companies.  However, those companies do not realize the true value of holding a contest.  It is not about creating noise and branding for your company, it is a way to collect prospects information and build trust with them.

Holding contest is very effective when you combine it with social media, especially Facebook.  It is because your contest will go viral very fast and reach many people in a short period of time.

So you provide some high value prizes first to attract people to join your contest.  And in order to enter into this contest, they need to provide their contact information.  You will discover that suddenly, there are a lot of people who are willing to give you information in order to join your contest.  Then after the contest finishes, you follow up by sending 4 – 7 emails to them to start building trust and relationship.

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